
Sean Finn: Distinguished Entrepreneur Rides New Wave Into Organic Skincare & Sustainable Swimwear

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Given the state of our climate, sustainable fashion and organic skincare are more than honorable pursuits. Making products that lessen the carbon burden and are more environmentally friendly are incredibly important, and trending, as they should be. Sean Finn is taking a leap into these industries, and is paving the path for healing our planet. 

Growing up in Toronto, Sean discovered his entrepreneurial spirit at a young age. Like many children, he learned the power of entrepreneurship while operating a lemonade stand that taught him the building blocks of how to work with money and how to follow through with an idea. His mother, a successful business woman with a background in real estate, also educated him in business fundamentals. “My mother was always teaching us about business and educating us on things in the business world. She got me involved in sweat-equity deals in my youth when I didn’t have any income.”

Marc Anthony, Melissa Odabash, Julien Macdonald, David Beckham, Sean Finn

It’s no secret that growing up in a business environment gives you a different outlook on life, but there’s one thing you need to be successful according to Sean. “You have to have it in you. Entrepreneurship can’t be taught or acquired. It has to be innate, like an internal mechanism that operates without force.” Above all, Sean believes overcoming adversity is perhaps the biggest skill an entrepreneur must possess. 

Before entering the business world, Sean was a professional hockey player. After suffering a career-ending injury he returned to school, pursued a degree in law and eventually made the leap into business. When Sean’s potential professional hockey career came to an abrupt end, he followed his passion and strengths that led to become the businessman he is today. “I have a lot of good relationships in the business world. I bring streamlined business ideas that can ultimately differentiate these from other products in the industry.”

Sean Finn, Breakaway

Over the span of his long and lucrative career, Sean has become the Jack of all trades in the world of business. He has spearheaded business ventures in the fields of energy, entertainment, real-estate development, healthcare, technology, the metaverse and cryptocurrencies. He established massive success in real estate when he founded Finn & Company in 2009, and constructed millions of feet of office space and retail developments in the Greater Houston, South Florida and Los Angeles areas. But that doesn’t even touch the surface of his accomplishments, nor does it stop there. Sean’s most recent venture involves the organic skincare and sustainable fashion industries.

Being that summer is right around the corner, the largest swimwear fashion festival in the world Miami Swim Week is returning this coming July. Sean, who recently relocated to Miami for his new television production, will be making a big splash with Soleil Organics and its founder Lauren Alexandra. This Texas-based entrepreneur develops cruelty-free, vegan, non-toxic products that are designed and manufactured in the United States. With everyone more than ready to get their time in the sun, Lauren teamed up with leading industry experts to develop a clean, sunless tanning mousse loaded with antioxidants and nourishing ingredients that provides a healthy glow while also being good for your skin. Sean and Lauren will be unveiling their newest product, Rose Face Water, at Miami’s iconic fashion festival.

Kelly Dodd, Julien Macdonald, Sean Finn, Lauren Alexandra, Melissa Odabash

Sean also has plans to create a sustainable swimwear line in collaboration with his good friend, renown Welsh fashion designer Julien Macdonald. Sustainable fashion is mindful of its social, environmental and economic factors. Sean wanted to build sustainability into the business model right from the start. The pair will be providing a sneak peek of the line at Miami Swim Week 2023 with a fashion show. “Julien and I have been friends for about ten years. I was introduced to him by probably the most famous swimsuit designer in the whole world, Melissa Odabash. Julien first invited me to London Fashion Week and countless fashion weeks later, and I ultimately developed a passion for the industry. We have a good rapport with each other. Julien is one of the best in the industry. I let him run with most of the design side to wherever he wants to take it.”

Sean has the innate ability he speaks of, and he’s smart to choose collaborative partners who share his high energy and enthusiasm. “We’ve got a lot going on — we’re always burning the candle at both ends. It’s good to pick a partner that has the same ambitions and the same kinds of goals as you, and that you have a friendship with, because ultimately you are going to be stuck with that person for the life of the product.” Sean quite obviously has a big circle within the business world, and brings a plethora of great ideas to the table. With his hand in nearly any industry you can think of these days, it makes us wonder — what’s next?


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